结构主义和后结构主义之后的社会主义人道主义 Socialist Humanism after Structuralism and Poststructuralism: The Case For A Renewal
“单刀直入!” “Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge!”
辩证批评与具体分析 Dialectical Criticism and Concrete Analysis
马克思主义与新儒家的兴起 “Marxism and the Rise of New Confucianism”
回归马克思:没有其他选择的革命 Marx Reloaded: Revolution Without Alternatives
电视真人秀、性别的自我意识和资本的形式 Acting Straight: Reality TV Gender Self-Consciousness and Forms of Capital
幽灵障碍:神经—马克思主义与灵魂的状态 Spectre Disorder: Neuro-Marxism and the State of the Soul
乌托邦的幽灵:马克思主义与未来 The Spectre of Utopia:On Marxism and the Future
“新唯物主义”抑或新自由主义资本主义的文化逻辑? What Kind of Materialism is the ‘New Materialism’? or The Cultural Logic of Neo-Liberal Capitalism
马克思未来社会的观念与21世纪诸种社会主义模式 Marx's Concepts of Future Society and Models of Socialism for the 21st Century
环境伦理、社会生态与可持续发展的经济障碍 Environmental Ethics Social Ecology and the Economic Barriers to the Sustainable Development
中国悲剧观念:理论传统及其当代意义 Chinese Idea of the Tragic: Theoretical Tradition and Contemporary Significance
马克思实践的唯物主义与现代美学革命 Marx's Practical Materialism and the Revolution of Modern Aesthetics
对我国马克思主义文艺理论研究的哲学反思 A Philosophic Reflection on the Chinese Research in Marxist Literary and Artistic Theories
后马克思主义文论的一个焦点问题 The Focus Issue on Post-Marxism Literary Theories
马克思主义美学的科学化维度——“知觉模式说”概论 How do General Things Become Beautiful? An Introduction to “Perceptual Pattern Theory”
论马克思主义批评对文学思想内涵的诉求 On Marxist Ideological Content of Literary Criticism Demands
马克思主义与乌托邦精神 Marxism and Utopian Spirit
马克思主义同乌托邦究竟是什么关系——关于“空想社会主义”译名的检讨及其他 How on Earth Is Marxism Related with Utopia?
文化研究与文化领导权——20世纪英国文化研究中的“葛兰西转向”问题Cultural Studies and Cultural Leadership: On the Issue of “Turn to Gramsci” in the 20th Century British Cultural Studies
论东欧新马克思主义对反映论美学模式的批判 On Eastern European Neo-Marxist Critique of Aesthetics of Reflection Paradigm
马克思主义美学可以再度成为公共话语吗? Will Marxist Aesthetics Become Public Discourse Again?
马克思主义与中国美学的未来 Marxism and the Future of Chinese Aesthetics
发掘和继承马克思美学思想的批判性,建设中国现代美学 Explore and Retain the Critical Spirit of Marxist Aesthetics and Construct Modern Chinese Aesthetics
反思20世纪马克思主义美学的“主流现象”——兼谈马克思主义美学与中国传统美学精神的关系 A Reflection on the “Maitstream Phenomenon” of Marxist Aesthetics of the 20
巫性美学:中国美学研究新路向 Witchery Aesthetics: A New Direction of Chinese Aesthetic Studies
论中国美学研究的当下性 The Present of Chinese Aesthetics Research
审美权利和审美伤害——马克思主义美学研究的一个新视阈 Aesthetic Rights and Aesthetic Injury:A New Horizon of the Studies of Marxist Aesthetics
真实与现实:齐泽克式的一个考察 A ?i?ekian Study on the Real and Reality
左翼电影与马克思主义中国化 Left-wing Film and Sinicization of Marxism
论特里·伊格尔顿美学批评的伦理学维度 On Ethics of Terry Eagleton's Aesthetic Criticism