

  • 版权信息
  • Speech at a Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist Party of China
  • Chapter I The Founding of the Communist Party of China and Its Involvement in the Great Revolution
  • 1. Explorations by Various Forces Seeking Rejuvenation for China in Modern Times
  • The Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society in Modern Times and the Historic Task of National Rejuvenation
  • Significance and Limitations of the Revolution of 1911
  • 2. The May 4th Movement and the Spread of Marxism in China
  • The Rule of the Northern Warlords and the Growth of the Working Class
  • The New Culture Movement and the Influence of the Russian October Revolution on China
  • The May 4th Movement: From Old- to New-Democratic Revolution
  • The Spread of Marxism in China
  • 3. The Founding of the CPC and Its Original Aspiration and Mission
  • Establishment of Early Communist Party Organizations and Their Activities
  • The First CPC National Congress and the Establishment of the Party Spirit
  • 4. Formulation of the Program of Democratic Revolution and the Worker and Peasant Movements
  • The CPC's Second National Congress and the Formulation of an Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Feudal Program of Democratic Revolution
  • An Upsurge in the Workers' Movement and the Initial Development of the Peasant Movement and Other Revolutionary Movements
  • 5. Preparations for the First Period of Cooperation between the KMT and the CPC
  • The Third National Congress of the CPC and the Establishment of KMT-CPC Cooperation
  • A New Revolutionary Landscape and the Fourth National Congress of the CPC
  • 6. The Rise of the Great Revolution
  • The May 30th Movement and the Unification of the Guangdong Revolutionary Bases
  • Activities to Restrain and Oppose the CPC by the New and Old KMT Right-Wingers and the Concessions of CPC Leaders
  • 7. The Northern Expedition and the Rise of the Worker and Peasant Movements
  • The Victorious March of the Northern Expedition
  • The Rise of the Worker and Peasant Movements in Hunan Hubei and Jiangxi
  • CPC Efforts to Advance Party Building and Expand Its Organizations
  • 8. The End of KMT-CPC Cooperation and the Failure of the Great Revolution
  • Alliance of the Imperialist Powers and the KMT Reactionary Clique
  • Right Capitulationist Mistakes Dominating the Party's Leading Organs
  • The April 12th Counterrevolutionary Coup and the Subsequent Situation
  • The Fifth National Congress of the CPC Convened at a Critical Moment
  • The Failure of the Great Revolution and Its Lessons
  • Chapter II The Agrarian Revolution
  • 1. Combating the Reactionary Rule of the KMT with Armed Struggle
  • The Nationwide Establishment of the KMT Regime and a Low Ebb in the Revolution
  • The August 7th Meeting the Nanchang Uprising the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising
  • The Sixth National Congress of the Party
  • 2. Mao Zedong and a New Path for the Chinese Revolution
  • A Decisive New Beginning for the Chinese Revolution the Establishment of a Revolutionary Base Area in the Jinggang Mountains and the March to Southern Jiangxi and Western Fujian
  • The Gutian Meeting Establishes the Principle of Strengthening the Party Ideologically and the Military Politically
  • The Idea of Surrounding the Cities from the Countryside and Taking Political Power by Force
  • 3. The Correction of “Left” Mistakes during the Resurgence of Revolution and the Red Army's Victory in the Campaigns against Encirclement and Suppression
  • The Establishment of Rural Revolutionary Bases and the Emergence and Correction of Adventurous “Left” Deviationist Errors
  • The Red Army's Campaigns against KMT Encirclement and Suppression
  • The Agrarian Revolution in the Base Areas and the Establishment of the Chinese Soviet Republic
  • 4. The Intensification of the National Contradiction between China and Japan after the September 18th Incident
  • The September 18th Incident and the CPC Taking the Lead in Armed Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • The Intensification of the National Contradiction and the Upsurge in Movement to Resist Japanese Aggression and Save the Nation
  • 5. Serious Mistakes Arising from the “Left” Deviationism and the Red Army's Strategic Redeployment
  • The Erroneous Leadership of “Left” Dogmatism in the Party
  • The CPC's Work in Areas under KMT Rule and the Left-Wing Cultural Movement
  • The Failure of the Central Red Army in the Fifth Campaign against Encirclement and Suppression and the Beginning of the Long March
  • 6. The Zunyi Meeting and the Red Army's Completion of the Long March
  • The Zunyi Meeting: A Great Historic Turning Point
  • Overcoming the Splittism of Zhang Guotao and Joining the Forces of the First Second and Fourth Front Armies
  • Red Army Guerrilla Warfare in the South and the Struggle of the Northeast United Resistance Army
  • 7. The Fight for a People's United Front against Japanese Aggression
  • The North China Incident and the December 9th Movement
  • Formulation of the Strategy for the People's United Front against Japanese Aggression
  • The Peaceful Settlement of the Xi'an Incident
  • Review of the Historical Experience of Ushering in an Upsurge in the Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • Chapter III The Mainstay of the Chinese Nation's Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • 1. The CPC's Line of Total Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • The July 7th Incident and the Formal Establishment of the Second Period of KMT-CPC Cooperation
  • The Party's Policy of Resisting Japanese Aggression on All Fronts and the Strategy of Protracted War
  • 2. Carrying Out Guerrilla Warfare behind Enemy Lines
  • The Eighth Route Army Marching to the Front and the Victory at Pingxingguan
  • Opening Up Battlefields and Setting Up Bases of Resistance behind the Enemy Lines
  • 3. Ensuring the CPC's Independence and Initiative in the United Front and Convening the Enlarged Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee
  • 4. Upholding the Principle of Resistance Unity and Progress
  • The State of Play and the CPC's Policy during the Stage of Strategic Stalemate
  • The Development of Guerrilla Warfare behind Enemy Lines and the Hundred-Regiment Campaign
  • The People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression in the Occupied Areas
  • Fighting and Halting the Anti-Communist Onslaught of the KMT Diehards
  • 5. Consolidating the Democratic Resistance Bases by Overcoming Severe Difficulties
  • The Arduous Struggle of Soldiers and Civilians against Mop-Up and Pacification Operations behind Enemy Lines
  • Overcoming Economic Difficulties and Initiating the Great Production Campaign
  • Developing Democratic Resistance Bases
  • 6. The Democratic Resistance Movement in the KMT-Controlled Areas
  • The Party's Work in the KMT-Controlled Areas
  • A New Upsurge in the Patriotic and Democratic Movement
  • Proposing the Establishment of a Democratic Coalition Government
  • 7. Strengthening Party Building and Launching a Rectification Movement
  • Proposing to Strengthen the Great Project of Party Building
  • Advancing the Adaption of Marxism to the Chinese Context—A Systematic Explanation of the Theory of New Democracy
  • The Rectification Movement and the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party
  • 8. The Seventh National Congress of the CPC and China's Victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • The Seventh National Congress of the CPC
  • Establishing Mao Zedong Thought as the Guiding Thought of the Party
  • The Great Victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
  • Chapter IV The Struggle for the Great Victory in the New-Democratic Revolution
  • 1. The Struggle for Peace and Democracy
  • The Political Situation at Home and Abroad and the Party's Policy after the War of Resistance
  • The Chongqing Negotiations
  • The Political Consultative Conference
  • 2. Smashing the KMT's Offensive by an Active Defense
  • The Outbreak of Full-Scale Civil War
  • Political and Military Principles to Smash Chiang Kai-Shek's Offensive
  • Smashing the KMT Army's All-Out Attack and Its Concentrated Attacks on Key Sectors
  • 3. The Development of the Second Front against KMT Rule
  • The Political and Economic Crises in the KMT-Controlled Areas
  • A New Upsurge in the Democratic Movement
  • The Broad-Based Development of the Popular Movement
  • 4. The PLA Shifts to the Strategic Offensive
  • Advancing on the Central Plains and Opening a Strategic Offensive on All Fronts
  • Reform of the Land System and Party Consolidation
  • 5. Developing and Implementing a Program for Nationwide Victory
  • The Political and Economic Program and Military Principles for Nationwide Victory
  • The Awareness of Policy and Tactics of the Party and the System of Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports
  • 6. Consolidating and Expanding the People's Democratic United Front
  • A New Upsurge in the Democratic Resistance Movement
  • The Historic Choice of Democratic Parties
  • Further Strengthening of the Cooperation with the Democratic Parties
  • 7. The Decisive Battles: The Three Great Campaigns of Liaoxi-Shenyang Huai-Hai and Beiping-Tianjin
  • Seizing the Opportunity for Decisive Battles
  • The Three Great Campaigns of Liaoxi-Shenyang Huai-Hai and Beiping-Tianjin
  • 8. The Struggle for Nationwide Victory in the New-Democratic Revolution
  • Carrying the Revolution through to the End
  • Drawing a Blueprint for the New China and the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the CPC
  • The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Common Program
  • Summary The Great Victory of the New-Democratic Revolution
  • Chapter V The Founding of the People's Republic of China and the Establishment of the Socialist System
  • 1. The Early Period of New China and the Party's Tasks
  • Tests Facing the Newborn Republic
  • Achieving the Reunification of China's Mainland and Establishing Local People's Governments
  • The Formulation and Implementation of the PRC's Foreign Policy
  • Confiscating Bureaucrat Capital and Developing the State Sector of the Economy
  • Price Stabilization and Financial-Economic Integration
  • The Third Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee
  • 2. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea Reform of Land System and Other Democratic Reforms
  • Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea to Protect the Chinese Motherland
  • Completion of the Agrarian Reform
  • Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries
  • Democratic Reforms in All Sectors of Society
  • 3. Economic Recovery and Development of All Sectors
  • Adjusting Industry and Commerce and Expanding Urban and Rural Exchanges
  • The Development of Democratic Government and United Front Work
  • The Party Starting to Exercise Leadership over State Affairs
  • Eliminating the Old to Make Way for the New in Education Science Culture and Public Health Services
  • Movements against the “Three Evils” and the “Five Evils”
  • Full Recovery of the Economy
  • 4. Efforts for the Realization of the Party's General Line for the Transitional Period
  • The Party's General Line for the Transitional Period
  • Planned Economic Development and the Start of Socialist Industrialization
  • Cooperative Movement of Agriculture and the Handicraft Industry
  • The Socialist Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce
  • 5. The Establishment of the Socialist Political Systems and the Progress of Various Work
  • The First Session of the First National People's Congress and the Constitution of the People's Republic of China
  • Publicity and Ideological Work and the Development of Education Science and Culture
  • Modernization of the Military and National Defense
  • Advocating the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Striving for a Peaceful International Environment for Development
  • Strengthening Party Building as the Ruling Party and Enhancing Party Unity
  • 6. The Completion of Socialist Transformation and the Establishment of the Socialist Economic System
  • The Basic Completion of the Socialist Transformation of Private Ownership of the Means of Production
  • The Significance of Establishing Socialism in China
  • Chapter VI A Promising Start and Setbacks in Exploration of Socialist Development
  • 1. The Eighth National Congress of the CPC and the Exploration of a Chinese Path of Socialist Development
  • The Proposal of the “Second Period of Integration” the “Ten Major Relationships” and a Series of New Guidelines
  • The Eighth National Congress of the CPC and the Correct Analysis of the Changes in the Principal Domestic Contradictions
  • Further Exploration after the Eighth National Congress of the CPC and the Completion of the First Five-Year Plan
  • 2. The Party-Wide Rectification and the Anti-Rightist Struggle
  • The Proposal of the Theory on Correctly Handling Contradictions among the People
  • The Party-Wide Rectification
  • The Struggle against the Rightists
  • 3. The Great Leap Forward the People's Commune Movement and Twists and Turns in Correcting “Leftist” Errors
  • The Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the CPC and the Formulation of the General Line of Socialist Development
  • The Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune Movement
  • Nine Months of Efforts to Correct “Leftist” Errors
  • Grave Consequences of the “Anti-Right Deviationist” Struggle and Continued Great Leap Forward
  • 4. Adjustments in the Economy and Social and Political Relations
  • The Principle of “Readjustment Consolidation Filling Out and Raising Standards” and the Promotion of Research
  • Initial Implementation of the Adjustment Policies
  • The Meeting of Seven Thousand and Adjustment Afterward
  • 5. Completion of Economic Adjustments and Continuation of “Leftist” Errors
  • The Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth CPC Central Committee
  • The Socialist Education Movement and Unjust Criticism in the Ideological Domain in Both Urban and Rural Areas
  • Another Three Years of Economic Adjustment from 1963 to 1965 and the Third-Line Construction
  • The Economy Adjusted and the Strategic Goal of the Four Modernizations
  • 6. Maintaining an Independent Stance and Opposing Hegemony
  • China's Relations with Asian African and Latin American Countries
  • The Sino-US Confrontation and China's Struggle to Defend National Sovereignty
  • The Sino-Soviet Polemic and China's Efforts against Great-Power Chauvinism
  • 7. A Basic Review of the Decade of Socialist Development
  • Achievements and Major Experience from the Exploration in the Decade
  • The High Spirit of Hard Work and Tenacity
  • Setbacks in the Exploration and the Reasons Behind
  • Chapter VII Domestic Turmoil Caused by the Cultural Revolution and the Resistance and Struggle against It
  • 1. The Launch of the Cultural Revolution and All-Out Domestic Turmoil
  • Lighting the Fuse for the Cultural Revolution
  • Two Central Committee Meetings Marking the Full-Scale Launch of the Cultural Revolution
  • “All-Around Seizure of Power” Leads to All-Out Domestic Turmoil and Resistance to Turmoil
  • The Ninth National Congress of the CPC and the Theory of Continuing Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
  • 2. The Downfall of the Lin Biao Clique and the Efforts to Correct Ultra-Left Thinking
  • The Struggle-Criticism-Transformation Movement
  • The “September 13 Incident” and the Rectification of Ultra-Left Thinking in 1972
  • The 10th CPC National Congress
  • 3. Arduous Progress in Economic Development and Science and Technology
  • The Chinese Economy in the Early 1970s and Large-Scale Construction in Third-Line Regions
  • New Achievements in National Defense and Science and Technology
  • 4. Opening New Horizons in Diplomacy
  • Breaking the Ice in China-US Relations
  • The Restoration of China's Rightful Seat in the United Nations
  • New Developments in Foreign Relations and the Introduction of the Three-World Strategy
  • 5. The Initiation and Subsequent Interruption of All-Around Consolidation in 1975
  • The Movement to “Criticize Lin Biao and Confucius” and the Struggle over Preparations for the Fourth National People's Congress
  • All-Around Consolidation and the Basic Completion of the Fourth Five-Year Plan
  • 6. The Downfall of the Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Clique and the End of the Cultural Revolution
  • The Tian'anmen Incident and the Nationwide Protest
  • Smashing the Gang of Four
  • The Historical Lessons of the Cultural Revolution
  • Summary Completing Socialist Revolution and Advancing Socialist Construction
  • Chapter VIII A Great Turning Point and the Successful Establishment of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • 1. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee: A Turning Point in History
  • Taking Faltering Steps Forward and Debating the Criterion for Testing Truth
  • The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee
  • 2. Completing the Task of Setting Things Right
  • Redressing Unjust and False Convictions and Adjusting Social Relations
  • Adopting the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People's Republic of China and Defining the Principal Contradiction in Chinese Society in the New Period
  • Strengthening and Improving CPC Leadership
  • Developing All Programs While Setting Things Right
  • 3. The Adjustment of the Economy and the Beginning of Reform and Opening Up
  • Adjusting the Economy
  • Breakthroughs in Rural Reform
  • The Beginning of Urban Economic Reforms
  • Opening Up and Creating Special Economic Zones
  • The Beginning of Political Reforms
  • 4. The 12th National Party Congress and Full-Scale Reform and Opening Up
  • Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is Proposed at the 12th National Party Congress
  • Urban Economic Reforms Entering Full Swing
  • Making Opening Up a Fundamental National Policy and Forming a New Framework
  • Fulfilling the Sixth Five-Year Plan and Mapping Out the Seventh Five-Year Plan
  • Developing Socialist Democracy and the Socialist Legal System and Promoting Political Structural Reform
  • Promoting Socialist Cultural and Ethical Advancement
  • Building the Party into a Strong Leadership Core for Socialist Modernization
  • 5. The 13th National Party Congress and the Establishment of the Party's Basic Line for the Primary Stage of Socialism
  • The 13th National Party Congress
  • The Three-Step Development Strategy
  • Continuing to Advance Reform and Opening Up
  • Beginning to Improve the Economic Environment and Rectify the Economic Order
  • 6. Adjustments to the National Defense Strategy
  • 7. Proposing and Putting into Practice the Concept of One Country Two Systems
  • 8. Adjustments to Foreign Policy
  • 9. Weathering Political Disturbance
  • The Political Disturbance of 1989
  • The Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee
  • 10. Deng Xiaoping's Southern Talks
  • Chapter IX Launching Socialism with Chinese Characteristics into the 21st Century
  • 1. The New Central Collective Leadership and Safeguarding Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • The Formation of the New Central Collective Leadership
  • Strengthening the Party and Its Theoretical and Political Work
  • Responding to International Changes
  • The Results of Efforts to Improve the Economic Environment and Rectify the Economic Order and the Fulfillment of the Seventh Five-Year Plan
  • 2. The 14th National Party Congress and the Overall Plan for Establishing the Socialist Market Economy
  • The 14th National Party Congress
  • The Formulation and Implementation of the Plan for Establishing a Socialist Market Economy
  • A Soft Landing for Economic Growth and Fulfillment of the Eighth Five-Year Plan
  • 3. The 15th National Party Congress and Deeper Progress in Reform and Opening Up
  • The 15th National Party Congress
  • The Confirmation of Deng Xiaoping Theory as the Party's Guiding Thought
  • Structural Adjustment of Rural Industry and SOE Reorganization and Restructuring
  • The Emergence of Comprehensive Opening Up
  • 4. The Formulation and Implementation of the Cross-Century Development Strategies
  • The Strategy for Invigorating China through Science and Education
  • The Sustainable Development Strategy
  • The Strategy of Large-Scale Development of the Western Region
  • The Opening Up Strategy that Combines “Bringing In” with “Going Global”
  • 5. Promoting Political Advancement and Advanced Culture and Achieving Moderate Prosperity in General
  • Solid Progress in Promoting Law-Based Governance and Political Advancement
  • Steady Headway in Raising Cultural-Ethical Standards and Developing Advanced Culture
  • Completing the Ninth Five-Year Plan and Achieving Moderate Prosperity in General
  • 6. Advancing the Military Transformation with Chinese Characteristics
  • 7. The Return of Hong Kong and Macao and the Expansion of Exchanges Across the Taiwan Strait
  • 8. Creating a New Pattern of Comprehensive and Multilayered Foreign Relations
  • 9. Advancing the Great New Project of Party Building
  • Clarifying the General Goal of Party Building and the Two Historical Issues
  • Making Solid Progress in Strengthening the Party in All Respects and Launching the Education Campaign Emphasizing Study Political Awareness and Integrity
  • Improving Party Conduct Ensuring Clean Government and Combating Corruption
  • The Formation of the Theory of Three Represents
  • Chapter X Successfully Upholding and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Context
  • 1. The 16th National Party Congress and the Program for Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
  • The 16th National Party Congress
  • Establishing the Theory of Three Represents as a Guiding Thought of the Party
  • 2. Pursuing a Scientific Approach to Economic and Social Development
  • Proposing the Scientific Outlook on Development
  • Improving the Socialist Market Economy and Promoting Sound and Rapid Economic Development
  • Promoting Coordinated Regional and Urban-Rural Development
  • Completing the 10th Five-Year Plan and Formulating the 11th Five-Year Plan
  • 3. The 17th National Party Congress and a New Plan for Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
  • The 17th National Party Congress
  • Incorporating the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics into the Party Constitution
  • 4. Responding to Risks and Tests and Achieving New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
  • Coping with the Global Financial Crisis
  • Completing the 11th Five-Year Plan and Formulating the 12th Five-Year Plan
  • Actively and Prudently Advancing Democracy the Rule of Law and Political Reform
  • Promoting Socialist Culture
  • Accelerating Social Development with a Focus on Improving People's Lives
  • Strengthening Eco-Environmental Protection
  • 5. The Military's Historical Mission in the New Stage of the 21st Century
  • 6. Moving Forward with One Country Two Systems and China's Peaceful Reunification
  • 7. Standing by Peaceful Development and Cooperation
  • 8. Strengthening the Party with Improving Its Governance Capacity and Advanced Nature as the Main Task
  • Strengthening the Party's Governance Capacity and Launching an Educational Campaign to Maintain the Advanced Nature of Communist Party Members
  • Launching the Campaign to Study and Apply the Scientific Outlook on Development
  • Building the System for Punishing and Preventing Corruption
  • Confirming the Scientific Outlook on Development as a Guiding Thought of the Party
  • Summary Reform Opening Up and Socialist Modernization
  • Chapter XI A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • 1. The Convening of the 18th National Congress and the Establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping's Core Position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a Whole at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee
  • The 18th National Congress
  • The Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation
  • The Strategy of Upholding and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • The Establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping's Core Position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a Whole
  • 2. Promoting the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan
  • Major Achievements in Economic Development
  • Significant Steps in Developing Democracy
  • Significant Advances on the Theoretical and Cultural Fronts
  • Steady Improvements in People's Lives
  • Notable Progress in Promoting Ecological Advancement
  • 3. Coordinated Advancement of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
  • The Introduction of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
  • Fully Advancing the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
  • Major Breakthroughs in Comprehensively Deepening Reform
  • Steady Progress in Comprehensively Advancing Law-Based Governance
  • Marked Achievements in Full and Rigorous Party Self-Governance
  • 4. Fully Advancing Modernization of National Defense and the Military
  • Setting Forth the Goal of Building a Strong Military in the New Era
  • Enhancing the Political Loyalty of the Armed Forces in the New Era
  • Deepening National Defense and Military Reform
  • Strengthening the Military's Training Preparedness and Ability to Win
  • 5. Fully Enhancing National Security
  • A Holistic Approach to National Security
  • Strengthening the Building of National Security System and Capacity
  • Ensuring Security in All Areas and the Full Process of National Development
  • 6. Adhering to the One Country Two Systems Policy and Promoting National Reunification
  • Maintaining the Long-Term Prosperity and Stability of Hong Kong and Macao
  • Promoting the Peaceful Development of Relations Across the Taiwan Strait
  • Firmly Opposing Separatist Activities Seeking “Taiwan Independence” and Foreign Interference
  • 7. Advancing Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting a Human Community with a Shared Future
  • Putting Forward Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
  • Promoting a Human Community with a Shared Future
  • Forging Global Partnerships
  • Participating in Reform and Development of the Global Governance System
  • Safeguarding National Sovereignty Security and Development Interests
  • 8. The 19th National Congress and the Establishment of the Guiding Position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
  • The 19th National Congress
  • Clarifying the New Historic Juncture in China's Development and the Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society in the New Era
  • Establishing the Guiding Role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
  • 9. Upholding the Party's Overall Leadership and Strengthening the Party More Effectively
  • Safeguarding the Central Committee's Authority and Its Centralized Unified Leadership
  • Prioritizing the Efforts to Strengthen the Party Politically
  • Improving the Party's Leadership Systems
  • Deepening the Party's Self-Reform
  • 10. New Strides in the Development of the State System and Governance System
  • Systematic and Holistic Overhaul of the Functions of Party and State Institutions
  • Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
  • Upholding and Improving Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Modernizing China's System and Capacity for Governance
  • Driving Reform Deeper Across the Board
  • 11. Advancing All Undertakings while Responding to Risks and Challenges
  • Thinking in Both Domestic and International Terms and Balancing Development and Security Imperatives
  • Responding to Risks and Challenges in an Appropriate Manner
  • New Progress in All Undertakings
  • The Fight against Covid-19 and the Great Spirit Forged in This Fight
  • 12. Embarking on a New Journey to Build China into a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects
  • Winning a Complete Victory and Forging a Great Spirit in the Fight against Poverty
  • Coming to Grips with a New Stage of Development Applying a New Philosophy of Development Fostering a New Pattern of Development and Pursuing High-Quality Development
  • Working toward New Triumphs in Building a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects
  • 13. China's National Rejuvenation Has Become a Historical Inevitability
  • Celebrating the Centenary of the Communist Party of China
  • Completing the First Centenary Goal of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
  • The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee and the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century
  • Summary A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • Conclusion Learning from History Working Hard Forging Ahead for a Better Future and Making Tireless Efforts to Realize the Second Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation
  • Afterword
  • Note on Translation