compiled by The Party History Office of CPC, Shanghai Committee & Shanghai Diamond Exchange
本书按时间顺序分为“酝酿”“筹建”“成立”“发展”“会员”5个篇章, 以访谈、口述形式, 从上海钻交所发展亲历者的视角, 对钻交所从酝酿、成立到发展的历程进行系统梳理、回顾, 对其改革发展经验加以总体性呈现, 进而提炼这一创造了国际化和完整市场化的典型模式经验, 突出上海钻石交易所在上海要素市场的创建中所具有的重要且独特的地位。
  • 版权信息
  • Preface I
  • Preface II
  • Foreword
  • Project Conception
  • SDE: An Imperative of Building a Financial Factor Market in Line with International Standards
  • A Review of the Conception Stage of the SDE Project
  • Shanghai Shining with Diamonds
  • How the “Diamond” Project Succeed
  • SDE: From A Pipe Dream to Reality
  • The Early Conception Phase of the SDE Project
  • My Involvement in the Conception Phase of and Related Negotiations on the SDE Project as an Employee of the UDI
  • Project Preparation
  • The Birth of an International Diamond Exchange in Shanghai
  • An All-Out Sprint: The Two Years’ Eforts before the Establishment of SDE
  • A Mission Unexpected: Setting up the Diamond Management Agency and Diamond Transaction Platform in China
  • China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporation and SDE: An Inseparable Bond
  • The Customs’ Active Involvement in the SDE Project
  • Witnessing the Negotiations on Establishment of the Sino-foreign Joint Venture
  • My Dedication to the Chinese Diamond Industry and to My Country
  • Proud to Participate in the Preparatory Work for the Establishment and Development of the SDE
  • In Memory of Those Stories Back in the Day
  • Founding
  • The Most Important Thing Is to Follow International Rules
  • Three Rounds of Tax Policy Adjustment for the Chinese Diamond Industry
  • A Great Innovation in Regulating the Diamond Market: “Special Customs Supervision Zone”
  • Chinese Diamond Identification Institutions and the Emergence of the National Standards for Diamond Identification
  • Every Step of the Reform Has Been Dificult
  • Decision-Making and Construction of the China Diamond Transaction Centre Building
  • My Involvement in the Preparatory Work for the SDE
  • The Establishment and Development of the SDE Customs
  • The Preparation and Launch of the Kimberley Process Diamond Certification Scheme
  • The Evolution of Tax Policies for the SDE
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC): The First Clearing Bank that Entered the SDE
  • Development
  • Realizing Win-Win Cooperation Based on Openness Service Communications and Study
  • A Source of Joy: The SDE’s Development Over the Last Two Decades
  • Macau Diamond Exchange: A Classic Case of Macau’s Transformation Integration and Development
  • The SDE: Breathing New Life into the Chinese Jewellery Industry
  • Staying True to Our Original Aspirations and Working Together for a Bright Future
  • To Do Our Best to Be a “Concierge”
  • A Dream Coming True: The Establishment of the SDE
  • My Unwavering Confidence in the Chinese Diamond Market
  • Looking Forward to the Next Fifty Years of SDE
  • Witnessing the Forty Years of Development of the Chinese Diamond Industry
  • SDE: A Bridge of Exchanges and Cooperation between China and Belgium
  • Promoting Exchanges Between Sister Cities through Diamonds
  • HRD and SDE: Towards Strengthened Cooperation
  • Members
  • LaoFengXiang and Shanghai Diamond Exchange: Together for a Better Future
  • Shanghai Diamond Exchange: the Engine of the Chinese Diamond Industry
  • The First Member of Shanghai Diamond Exchange: Growing Side by Side Amid Uncertainties
  • My Stories with Diamonds over 24 Years
  • Shanghai Diamond Exchange in the Eyes of an Israeli Diamond Dealer
  • KGK on the Way to Shared Prosperity with the Chinese Diamond Industry
  • So Proud to Call Shanghai “Home”
  • A Romance with Diamonds in Shanghai
  • Postscript